Me To We LLC Methodology
You think that you see reality as it is; but you see reality as you are.
The journey of discovery is about new eyes not new lands.
Marcel Proust
Love the life you live. Live the life you love.
Bob Marley
The journey of discovery is about new eyes not new lands.
Marcel Proust
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence has five facets: knowing yourself, comforting yourself, self-motivation, empathy, and effective relating. Without Emotional Intelligence, you cannot manage yourself or your life—your relationship with yourself or with others. Longitudinal studies and research shows over and over again that the most important component of a good life, love, and work, is E. Q. (emotional intelligence) not I.Q. An emotional intelligence consultant works with you to find the tools and practices that educate your heart:
Help you discover your unique life purpose and your gifts to give.
Identify your life-limiting beliefs and stories.
Become aware of the habit patterns that block your energy.
Come to understand that these beliefs and blocks have been good friends protecting you, but now you can let them go.
When you can unstick this stuck stuff, you are no longer hijacked by anger, fear or anxiety, self-judgment, and judgment of others. You can actualize your purpose, become effective, powerful, empathetic, and loving.
What is NLP?
NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming. It is based on years of therapeutic experience watching how people behave--often against their own best self-interest. The central discovery is that how people feel and react moment to moment is based on:
The circumstances they find themselves in
Their neurotransmitter profile (This refers to the neurotransmitters the brain secretes in response to fear and anger (cortisol, adrenaline, etc.) and to happiness (endorphins, serotonin, etc.) Every cell in our bodies has receptor sites for these.
The stories they tell themselves about who they are, why they are, and who others are. Some are unconscious and come from childhood. They often reflect trauma and wounding.
NLP practices engage your body and mind to shift your neurotransmitter profile and the stories you are telling yourself. Almost effortlessly, you become more self-aware, self-loving, self-motivated, empathic, and effective aka emotionally intelligent.
The ELI (The energy leadership Index) Assessment
ELI is the Brainchild of Bruce Schneider (Ph.D., MCC, Founder iPEC Coaching) after 25 years of research into the area of human potential and consciousness, and can only be administered by an IPEC certified coach. It takes an abstract concept like energy and makes it tangible and real by connecting your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to your energy level. You see up close and personal how the attitudes and perceptions (the stories you tell yourself about who and why you are and what life is all about) create the life you are living now. A quick and easy way to understand the levels from level one through seven is this: I lose, you lose, I win, I help you win, we both win, everyone wins, winning and losing are just part of Life’s game. If you are stuck in level one, your dominant way of dealing with life is victimhood; at level two it’s anger. The Assessment gives you a real sense of where you are at in your life right now.
The Core Energy Coaching Process
Like the ELI, Bruce Schneider created the Core Energy Coaching process and it requires an IPEC certified coach. This kind of coaching empowers you to shift your energy level, to reevaluate your “stories,” life patterns, and habitual responses. Shifting your energy level changes the way you relate to yourself, to others, and to work. You find yourself able to manifest your dreams. There is no limit to what you can achieve when you move from dysfunction to functioning effectively to functioning optimally. This kind of coaching is about you and you achieving your full potential. You discover and connect to your deepest inner purpose and passions and turn those into achievable goals. I call this “coaching from the inside out.”